Natural Law - July 2015
I am self-sovereign, as are you.
I acknowledge the ancestors, mine and yours, past and present.
You are all my relations. All is One.

Greetings and Salutations,
The recent times were such where challenges and holdbacks became commonplace. Some of us became familiar with going the long way around, and feeling like perhaps we shouldn’t have left home at all some days. There is a fine-line between laughing and crying, and many of us have been toeing that line recently.
A universal cycle is ending, with a new one soon to begin. Thus we are now in a transition space, that is, neither here nor there. During this limbo-time we must tie-up loose ends, and take action to leave things in the past. To support this, certain things will be revealed to us, to enable us to let go. Another aspect of this will be the increased level of understanding we gain about a situation and another’s position, which in turn supports us to view it/them with more empathy. This all sounds minor, however, it can be extremely freeing, as it will likely relate to something quite significant.
Increased perspective is a gift that allows us to connect with higher states of understanding. Many of us feel that we have experienced crisis or depletion recently, and this is all part of the evolutionary plan. Rebuilding from a reduced place, allows us to substantially integrate our new levels of understanding and empathy, which in turn creates a fresh-flavoured approach moving into the new cycle.
Towards the end of July, we experience a series of 10 activated energy days. These will enable opportunities to connect with like-minded people, and also, to do a final ‘burn’ of anything that needs to go. Use this time wisely, as life changes are very possible toward the end of the month.
The new cycle is before us and it offers flow, opportunity for collaboration and prosperity. It is a cycle that supports higher-self or soul service. What is it that you are here to do/say? Align yourself with yourself.
There is no more time to waste. Meet yourself and be more of who you truly are. Stop leading a double-life, be all of who you truly are. Make the changes. Lead yourself to yourself. Feel at peace when you lay your head down each night. Get the help you need so you can feel free.
With love,
Helene Collard has a Bachelor of Trauma & Healing and is a Reiki Master Teacher. She lives in the NSW Northern Rivers area with her partner and two young children. Helene is currently offering Reiki treatments and also workshops for professionals and carers in the area of Secondary Trauma & Self-care. For more information, email