Natural Law - October 2017

We are all self-governing.
Let us call upon our ancestors and teachers - past and present,
to guide us in the way of the Heart.
You are all my relations. All is One.
The fire of life is well and truly burning. Transitions and transformations are occurring on all levels, in order to simultaneously, end and create. A time of paradox, where on one hand there is challenge and fear, and on the other, light, hope and exciting new possibilities.
It is time to surrender and let go of everything! This doesn’t mean you resign to life, it means stop pushing and relax. Now all you have to do is watch and listen. Stay connected (and relaxed), and listen for the cues to guide you through. Remember, watch and listen.
It is time to work together and collaborate. Contemplate how you can be of service. We are all inherent in the web of life, and we each have a meaningful role to play. Create and embrace opportunities to engage in group work, or acts of service that benefit others. ‘Many hands make light work’ so lend your hands and join the growing collective effort to bring light and love to all. If you are already doing large amounts of service that benefits others, bring a team together to help you!
As you work together toward common goals, gently open yourself to those alongside you. This is a good time to develop friendships, and, to reveal your humanness. Sometimes we create safety by keeping ourselves to ourselves – now it is time to reach out and establish true and deep common ground.
This is the way toward a level of collective cohesion that will allow our species to soar to new heights with higher vibrations and lighter frequencies.
Reiki is an energy therapy that works with energy vibrations and frequencies to restore the healthy flow of life energy on every level. My Reiki-Aura Treatment works holistically to clear and balance you, physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. So if you’re feeling the call to balance and support yourself with Reiki, I’d love to hear from you – Contact Helene 0405 656 797 or
Yours in Wellbeing,
Coming Up
Reiki Circle 5 October
Reiki Level 2 Course 14 & 21 October
Evolve Events 19 October Topic: ‘Archetypes & Children: from Challenge to Charm’ with Brian Dale
Reiki Level 1 Course 4 & 11 November
Yogalates Fridays 9:00am
Finding Your Core Fridays 11am
Holistic Healing Treatments Reiki-Aura Treatments, Healing Heart Attunements, Craniosacral Energetics, Reconnective Healing, Foot, Hand, Facial Reflexology & Life Alignment.
Visit for more information.
Helene has a Bachelor of Trauma & Healing, is a Reiki Master and the Founder of the Yemaya Centre and Evolve Events in Lismore. Helene’s approach to wellbeing is focused in personal growth. Helene offers regular Courses and Circles, and enjoys making a range of wellbeing topics accessible to the community through Evolve Events. Helene has been writing Natural Law and delivering wellbeing workshops since 2008. For information, enquiries and bookings visit or phone 0405 656 797