Natural Law - December 2018

We are all self-governing.
Let us call upon our ancestors and teachers - past and present,
to guide us in the way of the Heart.
You are all my relations. All is One.
Aloha. Big love.
For all Beings to survive and thrive in this world, the human species will expand their mind beyond the linear concepts of time and space – essentially, we must move beyond the physical.
With meditation, we train our mind to be still, we become Master of the mind. With mindfulness, we focus in the present moment and increase connection with life around us. Both of these practices act like vehicles to the interdimensional highway that we humans are wired for. When we expand beyond the physical, we fuel and nourish our Being with energy that activates our unique wisdom and knowledge. We find we flow with life more easily.
In addition, creativity in all its forms, and when done mindfully, will get your inner ‘juices’ flowing. When we find ways to express ourselves, what we feel, think and know, we tap into an under-used language that feeds our spirit and nourishes our soul. Creativity holds the energy that will shift us from surviving to thriving. Neuroscience indicates that creativity is positively connected to healthy relationships – with ourselves and with others (i.e. Wellbeing for all).
This December, be creative every-day. Write a poem over breakfast, a story after dinner. Let your feelings and ideas flow, no rules! Do some colouring-in, doodle on a notepad. Sing and dance. Notice how it feels to provide a creative outlet for your thoughts and feelings.
The Japanese word ‘Reiki’ translates into ‘Universal-Divine Life Energy’. During a Reiki treatment, I channel this ‘white light’ for the recipient, and Reiki works to restore the healthy flow of life energy. I have clients who see me for a one-off treatment, which can be a great reset and major clearing, and others who come regularly for deeper clearing. I also have a Level 2 Reiki Course coming up in December, and many feel learning Reiki can be likened to a spiritual path, with a strong focus on personal development.
If you are after a Reiki treatment or thinking about learning Reiki, I’d love to hear from you. Contact Helene 0405 656 797 or
Yours in Wellbeing,
Coming Up
Reiki with Helene Collard Monday-Friday
Yogalates with Martha Regnault Fridays 9:00am & 11am
iRest® Yoga Nidra with Sam Voolstra Tuesdays 9:30am & 5:30pm
Holistic Healing Treatments: Reiki-Aura Treatments, Healing Heart Attunements, Refresher Attunements, Craniosacral Energetics, Reflexology, Life Alignment, Shiatsu.
Reiki Courses: Level 2: Dec 15-16. Reiki Master by appointment. Taking Expressions of Interest for Level 1.
Room Rental Enquiries: Helene 0405 656 797
Visit for more information.
Helene has a Bachelor of Trauma & Healing (Law & Justice), is a Reiki Master and the Founder of the Yemaya Centre for Reiki & Wellbeing in Lismore. Helene has been practicing Reiki for over a decade and currently practices and teaches Reiki in Lismore. Helene is also employed as a Facilitator with We Al-li, delivering their Culturally Informed Trauma Integrated Healing Approach (CITIHA) around Australia. Helene’s approach to wellbeing is focused in personal growth, and she has been writing Natural Law and delivering wellbeing workshops since 2008. For information, enquiries and bookings visit phone 0405 656 797.