Natural Law #146

We are all self-governing.
Let us call upon our ancestors, Elders and teachers - past and present,
to guide us in the way of the Heart.
You are all my relations. All is One.
Reiki Courses & Treatments. Shiatsu. Over 50’s Yoga. Psychology.
NATURAL LAW Edition #146
Namaste: The Spirit in me, Sees the Spirit in You
Buckle in, more change is coming. The upheaval of recent times has created chaos in our personal and global landscapes. This forced us to make change - decisions that were previously not in our field of consciousness, were suddenly being made, whilst other areas of life, that had been lingering in discontent, suddenly needed to be resolved, one way or another. A time of reckoning.
Whether we have willingly accepted the change that has been thrust upon us, or, lament and host a painful residue, either way, we have built up our resilience to change. Weary as we may feel, or meek at the thought of more significant disruption, the truth is, there is more to come.
As we journey through a universal turning of the seasons, the energetic landscape changes and evolves, and in an interconnected world, all life must change and evolve together. It cannot be any other way.
There are ideas you’ve left gathering dust on the backburner, and it’s time now to bring them to the foreground, as it may well be the right climate for them to flourish now. It’s a fertile time to start tinkering and attuning, because come March 2023, there will be a very nice release and opening for us all.
The change in pace over the holidays is the perfect time to focus on personal care. The Reiki Universal Healing Energy always works on the cause of an ailment or imbalance (rather than the symptoms). Subsequently, each session of Reiki works to clear your energy field, creating a feeling of lightness and balance, so you can flow through the holiday period with ease, and shine into the new year.
If you would like specialized healing support over the December-January period, I offer a 3x Distance Reiki Session + Mentoring package. Bookings are also available for Reiki Level 1 & 2 in January. Contact me to book a connection call.
I am seeing a deeper hunger and stronger commitment to heal and break-free of past constraints. I am honoured and humbled to walk alongside you.
For the Highest Good of All,
Visit my website for Distance Reiki & Remote Mentoring Services. The Yemaya Centre is open in Lismore & Wollongbar.
Reiki treatments available. January Reiki Course info on website. for more information.
Helene Collard is a first generation Australian, with ancestral roots in the island of Mauritius. She is a qualified and experienced Reiki Master Teacher & Practitioner, Trauma-informed Care & Practice Facilitator (B.Trauma&Healing), and has completed Leadership Training Levels 1 and 2 with the Rites of Passage Institute. Helene has been designing and facilitating wellbeing workshops since 2009 – including Moon Circles, Secondary Trauma and Self-care Workshops, Reiki Circles, Reiki Courses, Reiki Meditation Events, Evolve Events, Women’s Vision Ceremony and more. In 2016, Helene founded the Yemaya Centre for Reiki and Wellbeing, in Lismore, NSW, which continues to host holistic wellbeing services and support to the community. From 2017-2021, Helene worked as Lead Facilitator for Aboriginal Trauma-informed organisation, We Al-li. Helene has delivered workshops in metropolitan, regional and remote areas of Australia, including in NSW, Qld, Vic, NT, WA & SA. Helene has also presented at conferences, forums and staff development days. Helene is a mother of 2 school-aged children and has resided in Northern Rivers NSW since 2007. For information, enquiries and bookings visit or phone 0405 656 797.