Natural Law #149 (March 2023)
NATURAL LAW Edition #149
with Helene Collard

We are all self-governing.
Let us call upon our ancestors, Elders and teachers - past and present,
to guide us in the way of the Heart.
You are all my relations. All is One.
Namaste: The Spirit in me, Sees the Spirit in You
Beauty is everywhere. Love is everywhere. Joy is everywhere. If only we would notice. This March take time to smell the sweetness of the roses. Life is never all bad, even in the most harrowing times, there is light. If only we would notice.
Abundance and prosperity are yours, here and now. Just look at nature flourishing around you. Empty out what is old and outdated, and make room for what is just right, to come in. Spaciousness is your friend. Let old structures melt away. Build new structures for your future.
Dream your highest dream. No limits. No boundaries. Dream your highest dream. March is the time to vision your dream life, that is for the highest good of all. Balance the scales of your life. Each of us will need to adjust our scales in a unique way, to find balance. Some will need to make more room, others will need to take up space and others still, a bit of both. Find your sacred balance.
To have loving and reciprocal relationships is to be rich and prosperous. To have hands and hearts extend to you in your darkest hours, is to be abundant. To live life in your own natural rhythm, rather than one dictated by external forces, or what you think you ‘should’ be doing, is to truly embody self-care and self-love. Do not be afraid to reclaim your natural rhythms. Trial, error and adjust. Trial, error and adjust.
To live life in this way, creates strong roots anchored deep in the ground. Your branches and leaves may flex in the storm, yet your roots will be secure and stable.
Stop and smell the roses, notice the beauty around and within. Then dream your highest dream.
For the Highest Good of All,
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Helene Collard is a first generation Australian, with ancestral roots in the island of Mauritius. She is a qualified and experienced Reiki Master Teacher & Practitioner, Trauma-informed Care & Practice Facilitator (B.Trauma&Healing), and has completed Leadership Training Levels 1 and 2 with the Rites of Passage Institute. Helene has been designing and facilitating wellbeing workshops since 2009 – including Moon Circles, Secondary Trauma and Self-care Workshops, Reiki Circles, Reiki Courses, Reiki Meditation Events, Evolve Events, Women’s Vision Ceremony and more. In 2016, Helene founded the Yemaya Centre for Reiki and Wellbeing, in Lismore, NSW, which continues to provide the community with holistic wellbeing services. From 2017-2021, Helene worked as Lead Facilitator for Aboriginal Trauma-informed organisation, We Al-li. Helene has delivered workshops grounded in Indigenous healing philosophy and practices, in metropolitan, regional and remote areas of Australia, including in NSW, Qld, Vic, NT, WA & SA. Helene has also presented at conferences, forums and staff development days. Raised in Melbourne, Helene is a mother of 2 school-aged children and has resided in the Northern Rivers NSW since 2007. For information, enquiries and bookings visit or phone 0405 656 797.