Natural Law #151 (May 2023)

We are all self-governing.
Let us call upon our ancestors, Elders and teachers - past and present,
to guide us in the way of the Heart.
You are all my relations. All is One.
Namaste: The Divine in me, Sees the Divine in You
Welcome to the 151st edition of Natural Law!
A new self is emerging, birthing.
The pain and anguish you have been feeling, is an important doorway, inviting you to shed aspects of the old self.
Learning to dissolve the worry that feels so deep, so ingrained – even generational. Melting the fear that freezes you, even when elements of your life that symbolize security, stability and survival, currently seem to hang precariously in the balance.
Learning to recognise, yet not dwell in the ‘funk’. Upping meditation, journaling and exercise to 3x a day, because a multiple, daily reset is what’s currently required to keep your body, mind and spirit, healthy and balanced - where you want it to be.
The internal programs that are causing you pain, represent expired ways of how you know, be and do in the world, and you are being asked to shed and delete these, forever.
These expired programs sense they are under threat and are pulling out every stop to ensure their survival. You are at war with a beast that has kept you in a false sense of safe, for far too long – like a family violence situation, where you feel trapped, and every time you try to leave, you feel overpowered by a mighty, and determined force, that needs you to stay exactly where you are, so the auto, ingrained program can continue running, uninterrupted.
The one thing that will destroy this destructive and abusive force is self-loving change. Change the program. Change the music and dance a new dance. End this book and begin a new one. Wipe the slate clean. Clear and toil the fields. Prepare it for new seed.
For a while we’ve been feeling the pain of a great ending, whilst simultaneously having moments of reassurance that a warm, new light is coming through. It’s time to bring more of that warm light through, by acknowledging the ways of operating, you want to change. You don’t need to know how, you just need to confess you don’t want it anymore, and that you want it to change. Consider a ritual to mark this ending for you. It’s your call.
For the Highest Good of All,
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Helene Collard is a first generation Australian, with ancestral roots in the island of Mauritius. She is a qualified and experienced Reiki Master Teacher, working in professional practice since 2016. Helene is also an experienced workshop facilitator, both designing and leading healing & wellbeing workshops since 2009 – including Moon Circles, Secondary Trauma and Self-care Workshops, Community Reiki events, Reiki Courses, Evolve Events, Women’s Vision Ceremony, We Al-li's Dadirri, Trauma-informed corporate & community workshops and more.
Helene founded the Yemaya Centre for Reiki and Wellbeing, in 2016. Located in Lismore, in the NSW Northern Rivers region, in addition to Reiki, the Yemaya Centre has always offered a range of holistic wellbeing services and healing support to the community - including: Yogalates, Qi gong, Shiatsu, Quantum Hypnosis Healing Technique, Trauma-sensitive Yoga, Somatic Experiencing, Intuitive Art & Astrology Workshops, Reflexology, Over 50's Yoga, as well as regular and one-off events.
Helene is passionate about Reiki and making holistic knowledge and healing accessible to the local community, as well as the world, through her online offerings.
For information, enquiries and bookings visit or phone 0405 656 797.