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Natural Law #166 - August 2024

We are all self-governing

Let us call upon our ancestors, Elders and teachers - past and present,

To guide us in the way of the Heart

You are all my relations. All is One.


It’s time to pivot. 

After months and indeed years of (I hate to say it), unprecedented change and a few (or more) lessons learned the hard way, there’s an opportunity now, to have tangible evidence, that you have turned a corner and are traversing new terrain. 

There is good reason to feel hope after the storm. Naturally, as happens in life, challenges will continue to present - however, crisis and hardship have their way of building inner strength and focus. Access and draw upon your rich well of resilience and self-knowing, to guide you through self-nourishment. Identify and focus on, what is important to you, and your future.

Now is a wonderful time to access healing support, that assists you to clarify and refine your future goals and direction. In addition, releasing sluggish and/or stagnant energy, will assist you to break free of the past, and flow forward with this new momentum. Contact me to book a Reiki Treatment in August.

I’m calling out to any Second Degree Usui Reiki Students who are interested in Mastership! I have a Usui Reiki Master Practitioner Course coming up in September (21-22). It’s a wonderful time to receive the highest attunement transmission in the Usui Reiki system. In addition, you will learn and play with the advanced Master techniques. Lots of fun, and a big boost to your beautiful being. So, if you are feeling called to take more responsibility for yourself, contact me ASAP to learn more about preparation. 

Also, announcing Second Degree Reiki coming up on November 1-2. Ready to take a quantum leap? For more information, contact me for a chat.

Alongside my Reiki services and courses, we have a new practitioner here at the Yemaya Centre Rooms. A warm welcome to Krsna Mayshack-Mendero! Krsna is an Accredited Mental Health Social Worker, and NSW Victims Services Counsellor, and provides therapeutic counselling services to women. Krsna is committed to inclusion and access, and offers bulk-billing with a Mental Health Care Plan (MHCP). Catherine Wilson continues to provide queer-inclusive Clinical Psychological services. Contact practitioners directly for information and bookings.

Krsna: 0497 602 356   Catherine:      Helene: 0405 656 797

The group room has vacancy for ongoing evening classes, workshops and programs. If you, or someone you know, have a weekly, fortnightly or monthly service, and need a fit-for-purpose space, contact me to discuss and arrange a room viewing. Organisations and private practice welcome.

Come to us in the heart of the CBD, and visit our website for more information and bookings. Visit

Be True To You,


Reiki Master Teacher

Culturally-Responsive Trauma-Aware Healing-Informed Practitioner

Coming up:

Women's Counselling with Krsna: 0497 602 356

Clinical Psychology with Catherine: 

Reiki Treatments with Helene:

Women’s Circle: 8 September



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