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Natural Law #168 - October 2024

We are all self-governing

Let us call upon our ancestors, Elders and teachers - past and present,

To guide us in the way of the Heart

You are all my relations. All is One.


October is here. Where did the year go? A major ending is nearing completion, what a ride it has been. Keep tying up lose ends. This is the time to declutter, clear out the old, address niggling issues, organise the chaos and bring everything into order. Rather than launching into lots of new things and spreading yourself wide, continue to go deep and clear, clear, clear.

Everything has a purpose, everything. Whatever has come into your life recently, and hasn’t worked out - came in to refine your idea and vision of what will work in the future, so when it comes in, you will recognise it. Be careful not to prematurely discard what didn’t work though, because it may still work, just at another level, or in another capacity. Life is not black and white, it is a kaleidoscope of colour. Do not place limitations on yourself or others, do not confine yourself or others to self-imposed and societal constructs. Is there another way? Is there another capacity where it does work? Find the sweet spot and enjoy.

It is important at this time to live on purpose. Welcome people and activities into your life, because they feel on-point. Don’t waste your time ‘kicking the can around’. If it doesn’t fit or doesn’t feel right - ask yourself, can it? We have recently crossed the equinox point and are still dancing in eclipse season. Support heavy and stuck things to find a new, freer way. Focus on the flow. Stepping back and giving things space can also work wonders. Perspective is gold. Remember to support the foundations of your health - body, mind and spirit - and the rest will take care of itself.

I am taking a break down south and will be back on board for Reiki in Lismore from mid-October. You can book online now. 

Also in October is a women’s circle, and a Reiki First Degree Course (currently 1 spot left). Second  Degree Reiki is happening in November. Go to my website for info and bookings.

Reiki Master Jackie Segers will join us from NZ on the 20-21 October for her SpinaReiki and AcuReiki Courses. All levels of Reiki welcome! Jackie is also the author of two books on reflexology for cats and dogs.

Weekly Services at Yemaya Centre Rooms:

Catherine Wilson: Clinical Psychology, 

Krsna Mayshack-Mendero: Women’s Counselling Services, 

Helene Collard: Reiki Master Teacher, 

Consult Room Available

There is a vacancy Mondays ongoing for a professional therapist/practitioner in the consult room. If you, or someone you know, have caseload for a weekly service in Lismore, in a beautiful, naturally lit space, contact me to discuss and arrange a room viewing. Flexible agreements available. Organisations and private practice welcome.

Come to us in the heart of the CBD, and visit our website for more information and bookings. Visit

Be True,


Reiki Master Teacher

Culturally-Responsive Trauma-Aware Healing-Informed Practitioner


Reiki Treatments: Tues, Wed and Thurs

Women’s Circle: 13 October

Reiki First Degree: 18-19 October

SpinaReiki: 20 October

AcuReiki: 21 October

Reiki Second Degree: 1-2 November



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