Natural Law #169 - November 2024

We are all self-governing
Let us call upon our ancestors, Elders and teachers - past and present,
To guide us in the way of the Heart
You are all my relations. All is One.
We enter November off the back of an ‘intense burn’ through late October. A high activation of energies, carrying significant potential for change, release and growth. Phew! How did you go? Whatever your reflection evokes, we will likely all benefit from emerging slowly and thoughtfully after this active period.
Take your time, your body and mind are re-adjusting to a new rhythm, a new system, a new routine. This transition is likely untangling you from very old patterns, go gently and with self-compassion. If you were teetering on a change, there is still time for you to commit and go for it. Again, be kind to yourself, and prioritise what you need to make it happen. It may be earlier nights; signing up for a course; eliminating or including from your current diet, lifestyle or social circle; trying a new treatment for a health condition; booking a trip away; moving house. Trust your instinct, do your research, however don’t overthink it. Go for it.
Quietening our minds and hearts and finding time for relaxation and reflection allow us to respond to challenge in a meaningful way, where ‘we extend from our centre and return to the centre’. I saw this quote in the Happy Mountain Yoga Studio and have never forgotten it (thanks Geraldine!).
The ‘take-away’ is; don’t leave your centre. Once we over-extend, we start draining our vital life-force. If we do this consistently, we become depleted and sickly. This completely aligns with Reiki theory, and the concept of maintaining a healthy and vital life-energy. It means putting yourself front and centre and filling up your cup, and then giving from the overflow. When I was first introduced to this concept, it blew me away. I realised it wasn’t the internal program I was running, and it is still something I am learning to embody.
Learning to receive is not something all of us were taught, and/or are comfortable with, let alone receiving until your cup is full and overflowing. Nor did most of us receive the message, that it is from this abundant state, that we can truly, and purely give. Giving from a full and overflowing cup, isn’t often the norm. Some may rightly argue, that this is not always possible, because at times we feel compelled to respond to a need, regardless of whether we are ‘resourced’ and that is absolutely true. However, if we make giving from depletion the norm, our life-force system calibrates to operate on depletion - which is never sustainable and will lead to some form of illness over time. Just as they instruct, every time you get on a plane - put your mask on first, and you’ll be resourced to offer sustained and quality ‘giving’ to others, without compromising your own wellbeing.
There’s a lot happening at Yemaya. Free Laughter Yoga at the Jiggi Hall, a Reiki Circle, a Women’s Circle - all happening in November. Join me in the new year for Reiki Level 1 and 2 courses in January and early February respectively, or start thinking about preparing for Reiki Mastership scheduled for September next year. Reiki treatments are available in Lismore.
I look forward to seeing you soon.
Be True,
Reiki Master Teacher
Culturally-Responsive Trauma-Aware Healing-Informed Practitioner
Weekly Services at Yemaya Centre Rooms:
Catherine Wilson: Clinical Psychology,
Krsna Mayshack-Mendero: Women’s Counselling Services,
Helene Collard: Reiki Master Teacher, Trauma-informed Facilitator
Mirek Oprzedek: Shiatsu Practitioner, 0412 294917 or
Consult Room Available
There is a vacancy Mondays ongoing for a professional therapist/practitioner in the consult room. If you, or someone you know, have caseload for a weekly service in Lismore, in a beautiful, naturally lit space, contact me to discuss and arrange a room viewing. Flexible agreements available. Organisations and private practice welcome.
Come to us in the heart of the CBD, and visit our website for more information and bookings. Visit
Reiki Treatments: weekly
FREE Laughter Yoga: 7 November, 6-6.45pm, Jiggi Hall
Reiki Circle: 8 November, 10.30am-1pm
Women’s Circle: 10 November
Reiki First Degree: 3-4 January, 2025
Reiki Second Degree: 31 January-1 February, 2025
Reiki Master Practitioner: 12-13 September, 2025