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Natural Law #171 - January 2025

Illuminating the night, a vibrant neon sign reads "You belong here," offering a warm message of inclusion and welcome.
Illuminating the night, a vibrant neon sign reads "You belong here," offering a warm message of inclusion and welcome.

We are all self-governing

Let us call upon our ancestors, Elders and teachers - past and present,

To guide us in the way of the Heart

You are all my relations. All is One.


Happy New Solar Year - 2025!

The beginning of a new cycle offers us renewal and hope. A time to make positive change, support greater balance, and make things right. Sometimes we don’t know how something will come to fruition, yet we can still wish for it and trust.

“Take your time and slow down” is still a message I want to share. Due to the incredible events of the past few years, many of us are still healing through grief and loss - emotionally, mentally and materially. These stories of pain, fundamentally change our shape. Integration takes time and courage. Acceptance and forgiveness. 

Exercising and articulating self-care with kindness, takes practice. Yet, embracing Self and our own limits is a gift to all. When we stretch beyond our centre, the quality of our output diminishes. The care we take with others is weakened. We cut corners with our words and actions. We can make a mess and do great harm. A teacher once said “it is okay to muck up, just make sure you clean up”. It’s true, no matter how good our intentions, we will muck up. It’s inevitable. We are human. What really matters, is how we clean up. It is never too late to clean up. 

We live in a kaleidoscopic world of many shapes and colours. Unique cultural groups, languages, and stories. No one individual is the same. There are many constructs of identity - religion, race, gender and others… and I have experienced first hand, how narrow emphasis on identity can divide and separate. Yet, beyond our identities, our differences, we all belong to the one Earth, the one Universe. We are all human. Our hearts beat, our cuts bleed and our hands can work together towards a shared story of belonging and flourishing. In silos we sit in echo chambers where diversity, critical thinking, context, nuance and reflection are found only in 'best practice' theory. Together we are stronger and able to accomplish what we are here to do.

David Suzuki said, “everything is relational, nothing exists in separation” and we must, must, go beyond systems and labels that divide us, and nourish and flourish what inherently binds us together. 

I have 2 places left for Reiki Level 1 this Friday and Saturday, 3-4 January, 2025. This is a beginner course, no experience necessary. For those new to Reiki, click this link for more information, including price. For anyone who has completed their Level 1 (or higher) and would like to enjoy immersion in meditation, contemplation and lots of Reiki, I'm offering a refresher rate of 50% off. Contact me to discuss.

There's also a Reiki Circle on tomorrow in Lismore (Thursday) at 4.15pm. Register for the Reiki Circle here.

Finally, I am back in the clinic with Reiki Treatments. It's a wonderful way to induce overall relaxation, balance and promote wellness in your body, mind and spirit - 1hr/$99 and 1.5hrs/$137.50.

Be True,


Reiki Master Teacher

Indigenous Trauma-aware Practitioner

Innovative Learning Designer

Weekly Services at Yemaya Centre Rooms:

Catherine Wilson: Clinical Psychology, 

Krsna Mayshack-Mendero: Women’s Counselling Services, 

Helene Collard: 

Mirek Oprzedek: Shiatsu Practitioner, 0412 294917 or

Consult and Group Room Rental

Available in the heart of Lismore for professional services. Beautiful, quiet, naturally lit spaces. contact me to discuss and arrange a room viewing. Flexible agreements available. Organisations and private practice welcome.

Come to us in the heart of the CBD, and visit our website for more information and bookings. Visit


Reiki Treatments: weekly

Reiki Circle: 2 January, 2025 at 4.15pm

Reiki First Degree: 3-4 January, 2025

Reiki Second Degree: 4-5 April, 2025

Reiki Master Practitioner: 12-13 September, 2025



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